Omaha Community Perspective
If you would like to participate, but aren't sure how to get started, here are some questions that might help. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like, this is your work and should reflect your process and experiences.
- Where are you living during this pandemic?
- What is daily life like? How have restrictions and quarantines affected your routines?
- Do you have a job during this pandemic? If so, where? Do you work from home? What are the challenges you face in working during this time (at home or not)?
- How has COVID-19 affected your family members?
- What are your impressions of media coverage about COVID-19, both before and after it arrived in the U.S. and Nebraska?
- What do you think about the role of technology during the pandemic--as a method of sharing information, communicating, or being entertained?
- What do you most look forward to doing when restrictions in Nebraska end?